This recipe is dedicated to the memory my Father Phil Hayter.

Dad was happiest when he was cooking piri piri chicken. He was next happiest when he was eating piri piri chicken with the family and friends in the hot sun of Mocambique.

Old Man's Peri Peri

Making the Piri Piri sauce

1 Bottle Fresh lemon Juice

Hot Chilli Powder (dessert spoon)

1 Bay Leaf

Heaped Teaspoon Sugar

A pinch of Ginger Powder

A Dollop of salt

Ground Pepper

Table Spoon Olive Oil

Paprika for Colour (as dark as you like it)

Crushed Garlic (Teaspoon)

If you want to make a bigger batch put in a pinch of yeast and let it ferment. Boil it which kills the yeast, then transfer into a clean bottle, Leave the top loose or watch it in a basin in case it continues to ferment.

Leave mixture overnight.


Leave skins on the chicken. Any chicken pieces are ok.

Put the chicken on a very hot charcoal fire. Keep turning it. Continue to cook till the fat has all gone and the skin is turning black.

Start cooking slowly (raise the chicken off the fire). Cook the chicken through. When the chicken is not pink anymore, paint it with oil, then continue to cook a little bit more and paint on piri piri with a small brush. Sprinkle with sugar (helps to make it brown). Dust it with paprika and then leave it on a very low heat till thoroughly cooked but not dry. If you have a lot of people you can do it in advance and put in a warming draw. Baste only once.

Serving Instructions

Serve with green salad including half green tomatoes, black olives and sliced onion. Dress half an hour before so that the salad goes soggy. Servce with fresh chips. Drink dry red wine.